Blog Archives

“Founders’ Dilemmas” Course: “Building the (Founding) Team” Case Studies

In prior posts about my “Founders’ Dilemmas” MBA course, I provided an overview of the course and details about its first three case studies (which include the Introductory case and the cases in the “When to Found” module). This post

Posted in co-founders, equity split, MBA course content, roles

A Second Look at “Idea People” as CEOs: Should vs. Do

In response to last week’s post showing raw data about the propensity of “idea people” to take the CEO position within their founding teams, Tadej commented: I don’t think having the idea should generally affect your position in the company

Posted in co-founders, idea people, roles

Idea People and Their Initial Roles Within Founding Teams

Does being your venture’s “idea person” affect your initial role within the venture and the size of your equity stake? Initial analyses of data from our 2007 Compensation Survey (the 2008 Survey is currently under way — see here to

Posted in co-founders, idea people, roles

Neverland, or Dictatorship?

As a start-up grows, can the founding team continue to make decisions collectively, or does someone have to rise above the others and become the final decision maker? A couple of years ago at a panel discussion at HBS’s annual

Posted in co-founders, roles


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