Monthly Archives: June 2009

When to Found

MODULE #1: “WHEN TO FOUND” – Should I start a company now, or work elsewhere first? What are the pros and cons of different career paths vis-à-vis my ability to successfully start and run a new venture? Case #1 (Early career decisions):

Posted in careers

Introductory Case

As promised, this post outlines the first three cases of my “Founders’ Dilemmas” MBA course (see my previous post for the course overview). This post covers the Course Introduction case and the two cases from the “When to Found” module,

Posted in careers, co-founders, MBA course content

Course Overview for “Founders’ Dilemmas”

Educating founders about the upcoming decisions and challenges they will face Last week was HBS Graduation Week, marking the official end of the debut semester for my “Founders’ Dilemmas” course. I had a great semester with a terrific group of

Posted in MBA course content


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